Monday, September 15, 2008

A Lovely Day

Though I did not accomplish nearly as much as I had intended to today, it was a splendid day off from work. I busied myself with cleaning the kitchen and relaxing, doing a bit of writing here and there. The gray clouds that had started the morning off were soon carried away by a stiff breeze and the sun manifest itself to warm what would have been an otherwise chilly September day.

Though it's cooled off considerably tonight, there is a summer feel to it all. I feel like sitting on the porch, talking with friends and enjoying the sounds of summer. I can hear the serenade of crickets coming through my window, carried on what's left of a cool breeze. It washes over me with a sense of nostalgia as I think back to playing in the backyard, the sun's light waning as he lazily drifts behind the horizon. Children giggling and shouting as their feet become stained green from the freshly mowed grass. We're hoarding the clippings that dad just mowed, as though they're some form of currency. We attempt to steal one another's in a variation of 'capture the flag'.

I'm leaving out a story clip tonight, for I fear the dark nature of it would disrupt the otherwise tranquil sensation these memories conjure.

To my siblings, I hoist my glass and toast to happier times, when the burden's of the world did not touch our shoulders. To my parents, I give thanks for protecting us and raising us as best you could in these latter days.


Anonymous said...

Nice post sweetie.

andalucy said...

i love this!! {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}