Wednesday, May 14, 2008

One Down...Many to Go

Today was my last day of classes. I had two finals to do for English and Algebra and BAM! I'm done. It's an odd sensation finishing a semester of College after being away from school for eight years. I feel somewhat accomplished. Even though I've only done two classes, I feel I did fairly well in them and look forward to my next semester.

I'm sitting here before work, trying to do some writing and felt I should hop on to leave a quick note, as I am trying to make sure I have a post on here at LEAST every few days. At some point, I will manage to dedicate myself to writing daily. This is good, though, as it's stimulating whatever section of my brain it is that is involved in writing. The blog is helping me to focus a bit, to learn to shut out outside stimuli and dedicate myself to finishing a task.

It's all about baby steps.

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