Sunday, May 11, 2008

Of Idle Hands Ready to Turn Soil....and of Mothers.


Looks like I'm not doing a very good job of writing every day! I'll have to try to buckle down with a bit more determination to make this happen.

I'm finishing school up Wednesday. I'm anxious to have this first step in my scholastic career all tied up. I've recently decided on a more fruitful major to pursue, so next semester I'll be changing my major from Liberal Studies to Communications with a focus in English. The goal is to find employment as an editor. Plus, a communications degree is pretty broad, allowing you to get work in almost any business.

In other news, today was Mother's Day. I managed to squeeze in a short call to mom to let her know that I love her. I'm glad her and Papa are home from New Mexico. It makes me really happy that they spend their winters out there together, but it's nice when they come home. I miss them a lot. Coming from such a tightly knit family, especially with parents as supportive as mine, it's tough to have to go six months without them.

So, I would like to spend a moment to celebrate one of the most important women in my life. Mom is one of the most fascinating ladies I know. She's incredibly smart. She's the reason I have the strong artistic streak that I have. I remember her sitting at my bed side and either telling me stories or singing songs to me:

Down in Old Kentucky
Where the Horshoes are lucky
There's a little Smithy standing under the chestnut tree...

I know my siblings will remember that.

She's a brilliant homemaker and now that Papa and her work more closely together on their business endeavors, their home seems somehow much more complete. They're quite a unit.

I love you, Mom.

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