Friday, March 13, 2009


It's been ages since I've written on here and at a date later than now, I shall give a massive update about what's going on here. Not that a great deal has really changed, but you know...days have passed so clearly SOMETHING must have been going on.

What is important, right now, is that A Dead Language is done. It's still in rough draft form and has some work to be done, BUT, the draft is done. Completed. I just went back and read my post from January stating how I was confident that the story would be completed within a week of that post and yet here we are in March. Ah well, what's a few months? It's done!!!!

When I posted 'A Completed Work' I pretty much did that to try and motivate myself. Let's not kid ourselves, it wasn't a completed work. At least, not remotely on par with this.

SO, stay tuned. Once the first phase of editing is done, I'll make it available to everyone for critiqueing. A couple rounds of editing after that and to see if I can get it published.

Meanwhile, I've already begun writing up notes for the next two projects I have in mind. As to what the next piece I officially undertake will be, that has yet to be determined. Perfecting A Dead Language is first and foremost.


celtishbee said...

YAY! Keep up the good work, we're all pulling for ya!

Anonymous said...

WhoooHoooo! Great!

andalucy said...

I just asked Ave yesterday if she knew where you were with that rough draft.

Glad to hear it's done! :)

Ave said...

Way to go Linky!